Thursday, March 3

Which Came First?

Wisconsin seems to be home to quite a few exotic animal owners who have lost their "pets." In January, a kangaroo was found roaming western Wisconsin and now, a big horn sheep has been spotted. In a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel article regarding the big horn is the following little bit of info.
Wild bighorn sheep - noted for their resemblance to the Dodge Ram truck silhouette - like steep cliffs and mountains to help them avoid predators.
Noted for their resemblance to the Dodge Ram truck silhouette? Gee, where do you think the designers of the "Dodge Ram truck silhouette" ever first got the idea and I didn't ever realize the notable item regarding big horn sheep was their resemblance to a truck logo?

Surely, the author must have been absent on the "Which came first?" lecture day in journalism school.