Tuesday, March 8

Shooting Cats

It's silly season in Wisconsin. No, it's not the budget deficit nor school funding or whatever serious subject you can imagine. It's a proposal for open season on feral cats. Seriously. A proposal before the citizen advisory board to the state Department of Natural Resources would allow anyone with a small game license to shoot feral cats at anytime.

And just in case you think this isn't getting any press. Today it was a front page above the fold headline in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Not putting Wisconsin's best foot forward, so to speak.

I attended a reception this evening that was populated by political types, such as myself. I joked about the subject with a couple of them, asking what their association's position was on the subject. Nervous laughs all around. I mentioned that I was curious to see which legislator would be the first to issue a statement on the topic. My comment was this was the "third rail" and no one would be willing to touch it.